Saturday, May 28, 2011

"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore"

Howard Beale in Network, the film written in the 70's by Paddy Cheyefsky (click here for a movie recap) was the first character to scream out what has been on the minds of many for ages.  Most recently Egyptians, Libyans, Syrians, and others have taken up the cry in their struggle to be seen and heard and seek freedom.

There are so many wrongs going on Earth that to build a list would take volumes. A particularly dangerous and unbelievably corrupt example has gone unnoticed and unchecked in our heartland. Our farmers have been pummeled by a corporation that has changed our foods (and this writer believes our health and well being). If you have not read the details of the tactics used by Monsanto Corporation to threaten farmers into using their genetically altered seeds, take the time to read this article in Vanity Fair magazine Monsanto Harvest of Fear.

Millions, probably billions, of dollars have been raised for cancer, multiple sclerosis, autism, etc. research, but the school of thought that cannot be ignored is that Corporations produce and sell products that are at the core of why these diseases have killed and transformed the brains and bodies of so many humans in the first place. Pollution from manufacturing food and packaging food, chemicals and genetic engineering that are part of seeds and food production, artificial ingredients in most foods sold in supermarkets, affect millions, probably billions of humans. 

Scientists get grants from the Feds and are paid billions by non-profit foundations to focus on symptoms and work tirelessly to investigate how diseases attack the body. They explore and test to see what happens on a molecular and cellular level in response to a disease and study the attack against animal and human systems. Science has been successful in developing hundreds of drugs that slow down the attack of diseases and in many cases have figured out how to radiate and chemically win back healthful balance as a disease is strangled and put into remission or cured.

But new rampant problems like the high percentage of incidents of Autism in children come to the foreground as the years go by. Please let us all know if you know who is screaming at the top of their lungs, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" in response to the truth that our neighbors, our leaders, and the medical and financial industries are not setting off ALARMS and waging the battle against the root cause of disease; pollution, genetic alteration of our food sources, and pollution of Earth's air and water.

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